Expectations: Part 1
Gina Karnisovas Gina Karnisovas

Expectations: Part 1

Expectations are the mother of all screw-ups. This is true in many aspects of life, including sports. There is a vast difference between being confident about winning and expecting to win.

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The Eccentricities of Genius
Stephanie Lownds Stephanie Lownds

The Eccentricities of Genius

It occurred to me that one of the prerequisites to being brilliant seems to be a predisposition for being eccentric. Or perhaps being eccentric is more of a byproduct of genius.

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8 Bridges Marathon Swim
Gina Karnisovas Gina Karnisovas

8 Bridges Marathon Swim

People often look at endurance athletes with their heads cocked to the side and a bewildered look on their faces filled with questions like, “what on earth would make someone push their bodies through undoubtedly grueling circumstances for an extended duration, by their own choice?”

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Social Media: The Influencer
Gina Karnisovas Gina Karnisovas

Social Media: The Influencer

Challenges facing athletes today are so different than what young athletes of my generation contended with. This new set of challenges are ambiguous in many ways and insidious in others.

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